Is Hair Transplant feasible for diabetic people?

Hair loss is a common problem, and the most annoying that one faces. As a result of this condition, many people have hair thinning and baldness. Most people with pattern baldness find hair transplant as one of the best baldness treatments. Moreover, it is a popular treatment for thinning of hair also. However, hair transplant procedures are not suitable for all. The diabetic patients need a special assessment before they are eligible for a hair transplant. 

The effect of diabetes for hair loss 

One of the fewer known side effects of diabetes is hair loss. In people with type 2, diabetes hair fall occurs primarily for two reasons- androgen hormone disorder and problems in blood circulation. 

Which diabetes patients can get a hair transplant? 

Diabetes patients with severe hair loss can benefit from hair transplant procedures. However, until a thorough evaluation is done, it is not feasible to have a transplant for every diabetic patient. An assessment of the patient is necessary to decide the procedure of hair transplant. 

People with type 2 diabetes can undergo hair transplants once their sugar levels are under control. The risk factors should be eliminated before the transplant can be done. Type 1 diabetes patients cannot undergo hair transplants while they have high glucose levels. It poses a considerable risk throughout the hair transplant procedure. Therefore, hair transplants are not recommended for people with type 1 diabetes. 

Considerations of Diabetes Patients before Hair Transplantation

Though it is risky for diabetic patients to undergo hair transplant, some essential conditions need to be fulfilled before the procedure to reduce the risk. 

  • Diabetic patients should get all tests done before the procedure 
  • A nutrition program prescribed by the doctor to be sugar under control should be strictly followed 
  • All medicines should be reported to the hair transplant surgeon 

It is essential to eliminate all risks before a hair transplant procedure. People with diabetes need a thorough assessment and the permission of the doctor before a hair transplant according to your health condition. 

If you are also a diabetic patient, and you need to get a hair transplant, then you can consult our hair transplant surgeons at the well-renowned Vplant Hair Clinics in Maharashtra, Kerala, and Kozhikode for thorough assessment and evaluation.


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