Hair loss is an awfully emotional & troublesome event for most of the people because hair loss has a social stigma attached to it. Most men face hair loss once in their lifespan which may begin in the early twenties in many cases.

Male pattern hair loss (also called androgenetic) accounts for over 90% of hair loss in men. In Asian countries around 65% of people face some degree of baldness by the age of 35. Around 85% of them experience significant hair thinning by the age of 50. Some men are paying marginal attention to their thinning hair & baldness whereas other people may experience the considerable psychological effect. It's necessary the latter receive psychological support & definitive approach toward the cure in the form of medical treatment & hair transplant.

Fortunately, there are wonderful medical treatments that may stop or prolong male & female hair loss & thinning in early grades of baldness. In the severe grades of baldness, hair restoration can give you a completely natural look. Nowadays surgical options are advanced with safe, natural & denser look. In the future, we may have the option of hair cloning. A biological research in the form of hair cloning has been going on, which is based on a technology where our own hair will be multiplied & implanted, though it is in the research phase & not available yet.

Causes Of Hair Loss?

Common causes of Hair loss include: Hereditary factor, stress, nutritional factors, medical conditions, and lifestyle habits etc.

Treatment For Hair Loss

There are many treatments available today ranging from medication to PRP therapy to laser treatment. However, once the hair follicles are dead, chances of regrowth of hair is less. At that stage, the hair transplantation is the best choice, which helps to achieve solicited, natural, & ever-lasting results. Treatments like FUT or FUE are not that effective when compared to MHI SYSTEM which is a patented technique at Vplant Advanced Hair Clinic as innovated by Dr. Amit Agarkar.

Choosing A Hair Restoration Clinic

Today the clients often get confused as there are so many hair implant clinics pretending that they are offering the best hair implant techniques, and therefore great results. It is very important for you to be sure to do your research and know about the physician you are visiting in advance. Once you physically meet them ask for the details of the procedure and other important questions and also check the authenticity of the consulting doctor before making the final decisions.

Hair Transplant Surgeon In Mumbai

Dr. Amit Agarkar is the best Hair transplant surgeon in Mumbai. He has done hair transplants for many Indian celebrities and international clients. Hair restoration is a type of art. Dr. Amit Agarkar's Modified Hair Implant (MHI) treatment can give its clients completely natural, long lasting results in the sterile & safe environment. A consultation with Dr. Amit Agarkar can help you understand the different Hair transplantation techniques and choose what is best suitable for you. His clinic, Vplant Advanced Hair Clinic in Mumbai, also offers medical tourism for hair transplant clients across the world.

Hair Transplantation Cost

There are several factors like the size of recipient zone, technique, and the number of grafts required & expertise etc. which decide the cost. It is a myth that hair transplantation is not affordable for a common man. We offer the best technique in affordable rates with five star hospitality. Contact Vplant Advanced Hair Clinic today for any queries regarding Hair implantation in India. Have a great experience!


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