Can Beard Hair transplant look natural?

Like a perfect tailoring job, or professional shaving, an effortlessly groomed beard hair transplant also depends mostly on the skill and experience of the specialists. Hence, it is the main reason that most of us continue to trust the same few specialists for years. A smooth, natural beard hair transplant depends mainly on the experience, sensitivity, and skill of the hair transplant specialist.  

Things to consider if you want to have a perfect natural beard transplant 

These are some essential factors you need to keep in mind to have a natural-looking beard transplant. 

  • Consult a clinic surgeon before booking the hair restoration treatment. Hair transplant, specifically the facial beard hair transplant is a daunting experience, and it is essential to have a thorough facial assessment and consultation with a specialist before you opt for it 
  • It is essential to follow self-care post-procedure guidelines to get your desired results. A transplant will not get you instant results, but following pre-and post-operative instructions will get you desirable results. 

The Beard Hair Transplant Procedure and Style

The procedure for a beard hair transplant is simple, quick, and painless. It takes around three months for the hair to grow back fully. There are mainly five styles you can with a facial hair restoration: 

The Full Beard

The most significant trend in facial reconstruction is a full beard restoration.

Business Beard

The business near is also a smart and trendy appearance that gives one a short yet professional looking beard look.

Designer Stubble

Not everyone desires a full beard, and hence you can also achieve a desirable designer stubble with a transplant procedure.

Are you also looking for a dynamic change in your appearance with a beard hair transplant? At the Vplant Hair Clinics, in Mumbai ad Kerala you can be assured of desirable and natural-looking results. We have the most capable hands of transplant specialists in our clinic who possess years of experience to hone skills of facial hair restoration. Moreover, our specialists have performed numerous successful hair transplants with different clients.

To find out more, visit us at Vplant Hair Clinic and discuss your options for a beard hair restoration treatment. 


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