Beard Transplant – New Trend In Men’s Grooming

Everywhere these days, men are sporting a bearded look. Facial hair has become a trend where celebrities are attractively sporting beards and inspiring the public at large to do so. Men usually have no problem growing a beard, but some men genetically are unable to do so. Not every man can grow a full beard naturally. Some men experience uneven and patchy growth, whereas other men have soft, smooth skin which has almost no beard growth. Facial beard hair transplant has become increasingly popular today, particularly after the trend of beard look has gained immense popularity. However, not every patient comes in for facial hair transplant because it is trendy. Some men decide to undergo beard transplant for scars, or burns on their face which prevents healthy growth of beards. Moreover, the patchy beard is also the result of nutritional deficiencies, environmental problems, smoking, hormonal imbalance etc. Whatever be the cause of your patchy beards, a beard hair transplant will remove all your hindrances.  

The Beard Transplant Process

Beard Transplant process is done in the same way as the traditional hair transplants. The patient is put under local anaesthesia, and hair follicles are extracted from the areas of the body which has abundant hair known as the donor area. Micro punctures are made, and hairs are implanted one by one on the recipient area (the area under treatment), and it gives the patients a natural appearance. After a few weeks, the follicles will grow like a regular one giving you a full beard look as you have desired to achieve. 

To ensure that you get the masculine characteristics, you can opt for moustache transplantation or beard transplants which are on a popular rise. VplantHair Clinic specialises in hair restoration and combines the state-of-art infrastructure and advanced techniques and technologies to provide its patients with a natural-looking appearance. Get in touch with us to restore your self-confidence with a full beard or head full of hair. 


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